Shirley Club New South Wales
The Shirley Club was the brain child of Shirley Brown from Western Austalia in 1996. There is now a Shirley Club in all States of Australia, ACT and two in New Zealand. The United States of America is fact catching up with over 100 members already registered. New South Wales Shirley Club was established in July 2000 and can now boast approximately 220 members from all over the State. There is a quarterly lunch meeting in Sydney for all members to enjoy the opportunity to mix with other members, be entertained by their peers and catch up on all the latest news. Membership is $15 per calendar year, January to December, and this entitles each Shirley to four newsletters posted to you in February, May, August and November. Each newsletter features information on future meetings, outings organiszed by Group Leaders in all areas, news from interstate groups, special news items from members, jokes, recipes and photos. |